Have you taught your children that we do not wear any type of string, ring,?
bracelet or talisman to protect us?
To wear these things for protection and good luck is not allowed in Islam and is Shirk.
Would your children know this if someone tried to make them commit this act of shirk?
The people who worship idols or other than Allah do not believe that these things created them or the universe but rather they believe that idols which they worship will bring them closer to Allah. However, this is wrong and it is Shirk.
This is why we have created this fun interactive and educational resource to teach your small children that we only workship Allah alone and we don't not associate parners with Him.
We have tailored these worsheets so your children understand.
What else is included in this pack?
The reason behind creation of jinn and men.
String, ring. bracelet? To wear these things for protection and good luck is not allowed in Islam and is Shirk.
Galling upon other than Allah
Allah sent the prophets.
The Purpose Of Our Life With evidence from Quran
Singling out Alläh with our actions
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