What is the family?
What is the family, which is the realm of the woman's work? And what is its importance?
The family is one of the continual educational foundations (of society), which is indispensable. We cannot envisage a society without the family. Its existence, perpetuity and stability are from the objectives of the divine legislation.
O mankind! Be dutiful to your Lord, Who created you from a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife [Hawa (Eve)], and from them both He created many men and women. (Al-Nisa 4:1)
This verse indicates that the origin of the human race is one family.
From a single person (Adam), and from him (Adam) He created his wife (Hawa (Eve)), (AL-Nisã 4:1)
From two spouses came many families. He said:
And it is He Who has created man from water, and has appointed for him kindred by blood, and kindred by marriage. (Al-Furqãn 25:54)
Kindred by blood as it relates to the males, and through marriage as it relates to the females.
Islam encourages the building of a family when the necessary requirements are fulfilled.
The Prophet ﷺ said:
"O young men, whoever among you is able, then let him get married.» He also said "'Marry the loving and the fertile women."
'Sahih: al-Nasai (no. 3227), Abú Dawüd (no. 2050). This hadith was declared to be Sahîh by Shaykh Albani in Sahih Sunan Abu Dawüd (no.
Bukhari (no. 4778), Muslim (no. 1400), al-Tirmidhi (no. 1081), al-Nasai (no. 2240), Abu Dawüd (no. 2046), Ibn Majah (no. 1845), Ahmad (1/378), and al-Darimi (no. 2165).
Islam has clarified the role of the family and its great effect, as it determines the course of life and religion (of the child). said: "Every child is born upon al- Fitrah; and its parents make him a Jew, Christian, or a Magian."
Bukhari (no. 1292), Muslim (no. 2138), and Abù Dáwüd (no. 2714).
The rulings and regulations of Islam have come to organize the family and to protect it from breaking up like the rulings of marriage and divorce, polygyny, the rights of the fathers and mothers, and there are many other examples besides this. All of these guidelines indicate the primary station that Islam has given to the family. This is because it is the place where generations are raised, and the future of this nation depends upon the condition of the family.
Indeed the woman is the backbone of the family, as is said:
"Behind every great person there is a woman in whose home they were raised."
Does not the family deserve from the woman that she be free of (worldly) work? Is the work of the woman within her family a wasted effort? The duty of the woman motherhood with all of its implications, which is broader than just giving birth, and it is the education and Cultivation (of the child) which will produce a righteous individual.
indeed the work of the woman within the home, although some think that it is insignificant, is great. There are many aspects of this that require expertise and it requires things that are essential (for running) a country. It requites knowledge and foresight, it needs precision, and it requires administration. It is in need of economics, it requires tenderness and sensitivity, and it is in need of lofty values and principles.
The woman who looks in contempt at the household duties is a clear proof that she does not understand it properly, and that is the reason why she does not fulfil this.
Similarly, those believe that the woman is wasted in her home either do not understand this duty or they understand it but they have a disease in their hearts.
Is it correct for us to say that if the woman is devoted to caring for her family that she is wasted and that the society loses out on half of its functional capacity?
It is imperative that the woman understands this major role in light of the Islamic creed:
Say (O Muhammad : “Verily,
my Salah (prayer), my sacrifice, my living, and my dying are for Allah, the Lord of the whole of the creation." (Al-Anam 6:16)
This is worship. It is not a chore or merely a routine.
Rather, it is an action that has a soul, for the one who comprehends the goals of life and the reason for the existence of mankind.
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ has said:
"If a woman prays her five obligatory prayers, fasts her month (of Ramadan), safeguards her private parts, and obeys her husband, then she will enter Paradise through whichever of its doors she wishes.»
Hasan: Reported by Ahmad (1/191). This hadich is in Majma al-Zawa'id (4/306), and he (the author) said: "In its chain is Ibn Lah’iah, and his hadith is hasan. The rest of its men are men of the Salih." Shakir said:
"Its chain is Munqati (disconnected) in my view." (al-Musnad 3/128)
This Hadith was declared to be hasan due to supporting narrations by Shaykh Albäni in Sahih al-Targhib Wa al-Tarhib.
After these points of discussion, the responsibilities of the woman within her home will be discussed, (Next blog post In’shaa’Allah) which
represents her primary role in this life, so that she can contribute in the building of this nation. It will become clear for us that these are great and important duties which, if given their right, will consume most of her time.
A Woman's Guide to
raising a family
Shaykh Salih Al -Fawzan