Teaching Muslim children how important it is to see the proof and evidence from Allah and His Messenger is crucial. Some may find it difficult to make a child understand that we always need proof for what we learn in Islam. It is very important that a child is taught this so they know, when they grow up into adults, that anything coming from the religion of Islam must be based upon proof from Allah, His Messenger, or the Salaf.

Resource available here:https://www.authenticislamicteaching.com/product-page/teaching-children-the-importance-of-proof-in-islam
Helping Children Understand Islamic Proof
I have put together resources that will help the child understand what the word "proof" means in a simple way. These resources include examples and copy work of hadiths from the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) so that children can see the proofs we use in Islam. Understanding this concept early on is essential for developing a sound approach to Islamic learning as they grow older.
Al-‘Allaamah Muhammad bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen’s (May Allah Have Mercy Upon Him) Advice:
One of the scholars of Islam emphasized the importance of teaching our children the proofs. Al-‘Allaamah Muhammad bin Saalih Al-‘Uthaimeen (rahimahullaah) said:
> "It befits to inculcate the offspring/sons with the rulings along with their proofs... So for example, if you intended to say to your son: 'Pronounce the name of Allaah over the food and praise Allaah when you have finished' – if you say that, then by way of that the desired objective is attained. However, if you were to say: 'Mention the name of Allaah over the food and praise Allaah when you have finished – because the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) commanded with the mention of the name (of Allaah) upon eating, and so he said:
> "Allaah is indeed pleased with the servant who eats some food and so praises Him for it, and drinks some drink and so praises Him for it."
Reported by Muslim in the book of Dhikr and Du’aa, chapter: the recommendation of praising Allaah after eating and drinking (4/2095) from Anas (radhiyallaahu ‘anhu).
Benefits of Teaching Children to Follow Islamic Proofs
Al-‘Uthaimeen said: teaching children with proofs brings about two key benefits:
1. Accustoming Them to Follow Proofs: It helps children understand that every act in Islam must be rooted in evidence from the Qur'an or Sunnah.
2. Cultivating a Love for the Prophet (peace be upon him): By connecting every action to the Prophet’s commands, we nurture a deeper love and respect for the Messenger of Allah May the peace, blessings and honour be upon him.
Point of benefit: Shaikh ‘Uthaimeen (rahimahullaah) said in explanation of the above hadeeth: “In this is a proof that the pleasure of Allaah, The Mighty and Majestic, can be attained due to the most slightest reason, so it can be attained due to this simple reason – and for Allaah is all praise. Allaah is pleased with the person when he finishes eating and says: ‘Alhamdulillaah’ (all praise is for Allaah) and when he finishes drinking he says: ‘Alhamdulillaah’. That is because eating and drinking has etiquette that is physical as well as etiquette that is verbal.
As for the physical etiquette; then it is that one should eat with the right hand and drink with the right hand, and it is impermissible for him to eat with his left hand or to drink with his left hand – for this is forbidden based upon the predominant opinion/view.
As for the verbal etiquette; then it is that one should pronounce (the Name of Allaah) upon eating, so he says: ‘bismillaah’ (in the Name of Allaah), and that which is correct is that pronouncement at the time of eating and drinking is obligatory and that the person is sinful if he does not pronounce the Name of Allaah upon his eating or his drinking. Since if he does not do so; if he does not pronounce (His Name) upon eating and drinking; then Satan eats along with him and drinks along with him.” Abridged from: Sharh Riyaadh us Saaliheen (vol 2 p.204-205)
Information taken from here: https://www.wrightstreetmosque.com/teaching-children-the-religious-rulings-along-with-their-relevant-proofs-an-important-point-of-benefit/
A Common Neglect in Islamic Parenting
This approach is something that is often neglected. Many people direct their children only toward the ruling itself, without explaining the proof behind it. However, it's essential to tie these directives to their sources – the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger.
(Taken from: Al-Qawl al-Mufeed ‘alaa Kitaab at-Tawheed vol 2 p. 423)
By teaching children the importance of proof in Islam, we ensure they grow up understanding the weight of evidence in their belief and cultivate a strong attachment to the Qur'an and Sunnah.
#IslamicParenting #TeachIslam #IslamicProof #RaisingMuslimKids #HadithForKids #QuranAndSunnah #LoveForProphet #MuslimChildren #IslamicEducation #ProofInIslam #Salaf