The most important thing we can leave behind for our children is teaching them Tawheed — teaching them to recognize Allah as their Lord, and helping them understand His beautiful creation and how He brought everything into existence. SubhanAllah, from the sky and the stars, from the day and night, to the humans and animals, life and death, everything around us is a sign of His greatness. This all goes hand in hand with the natural fitrah of a child.
But imagine we don’t even teach them this? Imagine they grow older and don’t recognize Allah? How sad and wasteful would that be? How damaging for them in this life and for us in the Hereafter?
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
Every child is born upon the fitrah (natural disposition), but his parents make him a Jew, a Christian, or a Pagan.
(Sahih Muslim, Book 33, Hadith 6426; Sahih al-Bukhari, Book 72, Hadith 833)
Teaching children about Tawheed, teaching them to have a close connection with Allah from a young age, is so important. And if we continue this through their adult life, In’shaa’Allah, it will stay with them. When we look around us today, we see so many people feeling lost and hopeless. Do we really want that for our children? May Allah protect them.
We want to raise children who are strong, firm, and upright. May Allah aid us. We want our children to never lose hope in Allah, no matter how hard life gets. They will face hardships, just as we do, and through those tests, they will be tested in their belief, just like we were.
Allah says: Do people think that they will be left alone because they say: ‘We believe,’ and will not be tested? And We indeed tested those who were before them. And Allah will certainly make known those who are true, and will certainly make known those who are liars.”
(Surah Al-Ankabut 29:2-3)
I’ve always made a dua during my motherhood, and that is to ask Allah to keep my children firm upon Tawheed, because I know that with that foundation, In’shaa’Allah, they will be fine, no matter what hardship, discomfort, or blessings they go through. They will always know they have a Lord to rely on, and a Lord to be grateful to.
Don’t ever give up on your children, no matter how old they are.
Love Umm Harris ♥️