Shaikh Muḥammad Naṣir Al-Dīn Al-Albānī, may Allāh have mercy on him, said:
We have a general principle that a child is from his father’s earnings . . . so whatever he does of righteous deeds is recorded for [his parents].¹
[But Intentions Do Increase the Benefit for Parents]
The shaikh, may Allāh have mercy on him, said:
Every deed a righteous child does, there’s a large share in that for [his] father and mother. . . . [O]ne who builds a mosque on behalf of his father, [intending the reward go to him], that will benefit his father more than if he were to build the mosque without having intended [that explicitly] for his father.[So] if he were to build a mosque seeking [only] the Face of Allah [without intending anything for his father], he gets his reward, and his father gets a share of it. But if he were to build a mosque [explicitly] on behalf of his father, then this [latter way] is what’s of greater benefit to his father than the former, and vice-versa.²
¹Silsilah Al-Hudá wa-l-Nūr, 766.²Silsilah Al-Hudá wa-l-Nūr, 174.
Jāmiʿ Al-Turāth Al-Albānī fī-l-Fiqh, p. 572, 574 (PDF).
Translator Mikail ibn Mahboob Ariff
Al Tasfiyah
#muslimparents #muslimchildren #muslimchild #righteousdeeds #intentions #FaceofAllah #father #mother #gooddeeds