Waking Up Exhausted: Recognizing the Signs of Burnout
Today, I woke up happy, Alhamdulillah. Although I felt exhausted from lack of sleep and juggling too many things at once, I tried to overlook it and just continue with my day. I started by doing some reading in the morning and focused on being productive despite feeling tired. It's important to keep going, even when we feel drained, and to be grateful for each new day and the strength that Allah grants us to push through. Alhamdulillah.
Admitting to Myself: I Can't Keep Going Like This
Upon arriving home today after running some errands, the jobs did not end, and there were so many more things to do. The exhaustion I felt earlier was creeping up on me until there was a tipping point, or should I say, the burnout moment arrived. And that was it. I finally admitted to myself that I have just been doing too much lately, and I can no longer carry on like this. It’s just not healthy, and this kind of behavior results in me doing all or nothing at all. I really don’t want to get to the stage where I can’t do anything. I want to save myself before that happens, In’shaa’Allah. I mean, planning for my 52 students is the absolute least of my problems at the moment, and that’s a big job. It’s September now, and we plan to go back to homeschooling on the 9th. I’ve barely started my preparations. I managed to book us a few lessons, which did excite me, but the thought of all the other things I need to do just kept weighing me down. I’m not even halfway through our homeschool prep. There’s so much to do, like buying our books and resources, our stationery. Saying the word stationery does make me feel excited again. I love shopping for that stuff.
Finding Joy in the Little Things: Preparing for Homeschool
Anyway, the reason I wrote this post is because today I realized I’m burnt out, and I’m trying my best to do something about it, as should you, too, if this happens to you. What did I do? I cancelled all my classes, first of all. Then, I had a walk to the shop, picked up some snacks, took a hot steaming bath, chose a nice book that has some brilliant lectures to go alongside it, and I’m planning to read, have tea, light a candle, and relax for the rest of the evening, In’shaa’Allah. Tomorrow, I hope I feel much better, In’shaa’Allah.

Looking Ahead: Rebuilding for the Busy Months to Come
This week, I am planning things for me to rebuild myself up for the busy months ahead. I’m looking forward to spending time with my daughter, who’s put up with my endless meltdowns, Allahuma Barik Alayha. I want us to enjoy our homeschool shopping and preparations, In’shaa’Allah.
A Message to Other Mothers: Take Time for Yourself
I hope this post inspires you to take time out for yourself when you need it. It’s hard to recognize when that time is, but it’s usually when we feel exhausted, drained, emotional, and can’t seem to know if we are coming or going. We don’t know where we want to be. Just take care of yourself, because if we are not happy as mothers, wives, or even daughters, our household won’t be happy. The people in our homes need us. ♥️
Love, Umm Harris
Lectures to the book: