Ar-Razzãq (The Provider)
The one who provides for all of His servants, there is not a creature on the earth except that Alläh provides for it.

His providing for His servants is of two types:
The general provision which extends to the righteous and the sinner, the first and the last. This is the provision that is required by the bodies.
The specific provision - this being granted to the hearts, nourishing them with knowledge and faith. Also the lawful provision that has been appointed for the benefit of the reli-gion, this being specific to the believers and apportioned in accordance to their differing levels and what His wisdom and mercy dictate. Say: Come I will recite to you what your Lord has prohibited you from: Join not anything in worship with Him; be good and dutiful to your parents; kill not your children because of poverty - We provide sustenance for you and for them. [al-An'am (6): 1517 I created man and jinn only that they may worship Me. I seek not any provisions from them nor do I ask that they feed Me. Indeed Alläh is ar-Razzäq, Owner of Strength, the Powerful. adh-Dhariyat (51): 56-581

Both these worksheets are from this pack 👇🏼
